Saturday, July 13, 2019

Exotic Shorthaired cat

           Top ten cat breed within the world

1.Exotic Shorthair Cats
2. Ragdoll Cats
3. British Shorthair
4. Persian Cats
5. Maine Coon Cats
6. American Shorthair Cats
7. Scottish Fold Cats
8. Sphynx Cats
9. Abyssinian Cats
10. Devon Rex Cats

Exoti shorthaired cat
Source: Google

First, we are discussing the primary breed of cats it's an exotic shorthair cat.



The Exotic Shorthair may be a breed of cat developed to be a short-haired version of the Persian. The Exotic is like the Persian in many ways, including with temperament and conformation, a flat nose and face with the exceptions of the short dense coat.

In the late Fifties, the Persian was used as an outcross by some American Shorthair Breeders. This was done the secret to improve their body, and crosses were created with the Russian Blue and therefore the Burmese. The crossbreed looks gained recognition within the show ring, however, Exotic Shorthair breeders with success made a replacement breed that will disqualify American Shorthairs that showed signs of crossbreeding. One American Shorthair saw the potential of the Persian/American Shorthair cross planned and eventually got the Cat Fanciers” Association decide and Exotic Shorthair breeder Jane Martinke to acknowledge them as a replacement breed in 1966, beneath the name exotic shorthair. In 1987, that cat allowable outcross breed.

Because of the regular use Persian as an outcross, some exotic might carry a copy of the recessive longhair sequence. There's a one in four probability of every offspring being longhaired.

Longhaired Exotics don't seem to be thought of Persians by the Cats Fancier’ Association, though The International Cat Association accepts them as Persians. alternative associations just like the Exotic Cat Fanciers Association registers them as a separate Exotic Longhair breed.


The Exotic Shorthair meets each commonplace for the Persian breed, aside from the coat.

Head:- Oval, massive. terribly broad so. Rounded forehead. Round, full cheeks. Short, broad, spherical muzzle. Short, broad nose with a pronounced stop. robust chin. Broad, powerful jaws.

Ears:- tiny, rounded at the tip, not too open at the bottom. wide spaced and well-furnished with hair on the within.

Eyes:- massive and spherical. The pure, deep color adore that of the coat (gold to copper in most varieties; inexperienced within the chinchilla and therefore the golden; blue within the white and therefore the colorpoint).

Neck:- Short and thick.

Body:-Medium-sized, cabby, low to the bottom. Broad chest. huge shoulders. Large-boned with powerful muscles. Weight: 3.5 – half-dozen kilograms.
The Exotic Shorthair meets each commonplace for the Persian breed, aside from the coat

Head:- Oval, massive, terribly broad so, spherical forehead, Round, full cheeks, Short, Broad, spherical muzzle, Short, broad nose with a pronounced stop, robust chin, Board, powerful jaws.

Ears:- Small, rounded at the tip, not too open at the bottom. wide spaced and well provided with hair on the within.

Eyes:- Large and spherical, Pure, the deep color adores that of the coat (gold to copper in most variations; inexperienced within the chinchilla and therefore the golden: blue within the white and therefore the colorpoint).

Neck:- Short and thick

Body:- Medium sized, cabby, low to the bottom. Broad chest. Massive shoulders. Large boned with powerful muscles. Weight 3.5 to 4 kg.

Paw:-Short, straight and huge, round, large paws, tufts of hair between the toes.

Tail:- Short, thick, carried low, rounded tip.

Exotic shorthaired cats
Source: Google
Coat:- Shorthaired however slightly longer than alternative shorthaired breeds. Dense, fluffy, erect hair. All Persian colors are recognized.


They have a gentle and calm personality reminiscent of the Persian but are generally livelier than their longhaired ancestors. They are more loyal than most breeds.

Care and grooming                            

They are high maintenance Persian, Exotic can keep its own full tidy with little human assistance, though weekly brushing and grooming.

Exotic shorthaired cats’ ducts are prone to overflowing due to the nasolacrimal duct, which can dampen and stain the face. This can be relieved by wiping the cats face with a cloth moistened with water or one of the commercial preparations made expressly for the purpose.


They can have these type of diseases:

Brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome

Calcium oxalate urolithiasis


Feline polycystic kidney disease




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