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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

British Shorthair

British Shorthair

     British Shorthair
The British Shorthair is the pedigreed version of the traditional Britsh domestic cat, with a distinctively
chunky body, dense coat, and broad face. The most familiar colour variant is the “British blue “ a solid blue-gray with copper eyes, medium tail, but the breed has also been developed in a widerange of other colour and patter including tabby and colourprint.
It is one of the most ancient cat breeds known, probably originating from European domestic cat imported into british by the invading Romans in the first century AD. In modern times, it remains the most popular pedigreed breed in its native country, as registered by the UK Governing Council of cat fancy.
The breed good natural appearance and relatively calm temperament make it a frequent media star, notably as the inspiration for John Tenniel famous illustration of the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland. The CFA profile reads “When a gracelessness is observed the British shorthair is duly embarrassed, quickly recovering with a Cheshire cat smile.

British shorthair


The origins of the british Shorthair most likely date back to the First Century AD, making it one of the most ancient identifiable cat breed in the world. It is thought that the invading Roman initially brought Egyptian domestic cat to Great Britain, these cats then interbred with the Local European wildcat populations. Over the centuries, naturally isolated descendants developed into distinctively large, robust cats with a short but very thick coat, the better to withstand conditions on their native islands. Based on artist representation, the modern British Shorthair is basically unchanged from this initial type.

Selective breeding of the best examples of the type began in the nineteenth century, with emphasis on developing the usual blue grey variant called the “British Blue” or “English type” in particular. Sources directly credit UK artist and pioneering cat fancier Harrison Weir with the initial concept of standardizing the breed, others suggest group of breeders may have been involved. The new british shorthair was featured at the first ever cat show, organized by Weir and held at the Crystal Palace in London in 1871, and enjoyed great initial popularity.

By the 1890s, With the advent of newly imported Persian and other long haired breeds, British Shorthair had fallen out of favor, and breeding stock had become critically rare by Wolrd War 1. The genes thus introduced would eventually become the basis for the British Longhair, at the time, any long haired cats produced were placed into the Persian breeding programs. As all cats the “blue”colouration were then judged together as variants on a “de facto” single breed, the Blue shorthair, outcrossing of the British with the Russian Blue were also common.

After the war, in an attempt to maintaind the breed standard, the GCCF decided to accept only third generation Persian/British Shorthaird crosses. This contributed to another Blue were reintroduced into the mix. British Shorthaired breeders also worked with the French Chartreux, another ancient breed, which although genetically unrelated to the British Blue is a very similar cat in appearance. After the war, breeders worked to re-establish the true British type, and by the late 1970s the distinctive british Shorthair had achieved formal recognition from both American (CFA) and The International Cat Association. According to the GCCF 2013 registry data, it is once again the most popular pedigreed in its native country.



The British Shorthair is a relatively powerful looking large cat, having a broad chest, strong thick set legs with rounded paws and medium length, blunt tipped tail. The head is relatively large and rounded, with a short muzzle, broad cheeks (most noticeable in mature males, who tend to developed prominent jowls) and large round eyes that are deep coppery orange in the British Blue and vary in colour depending on the coat. Their large ears are broad and widely set. The ‘British
Blue’variant con often be confused with grey Scottish Fold. The Shorthair can be characterized by having its pointy triangle ears, whereas the Fold has softer, folded ears.

They are slow to mature in comparison with most cat breeds, reaching full physical development at approximately three year of age. Unusually among domestic cats they are a noticeably sexually dimorphic breed, with male averaging 9-17 lb (4.1 to 7.7 kg) and female 7-12 lb (3.2 to 5.4 kg).

Coat,colour and patterns

The British Shorthair coat is one of the breed defining featured. It is very dense but does not have an undercoat. Thus the textures are plush rather than wolly or fluffy, with a firm, “crisp” pile that breaks noticeably over the cat body as it moves.

Although the British Blue remains the most familiar variant, British shorthair has been developed in much other colour and pattern. Black, blue, white, red, cream, silver, golden and most recently cinnamon and fawn are accepted by all official standard, either solid or in colourpoint, tabby, shaded and bicolour patterns, GCCF, FIFE, and TICA also accept chocolate and its dilute lilac, disallow in the CFA standard. All colour and patters also have tortoiseshell variants.
The tabby patterns include Classic Tabby, Mackerel tabby, Spotted and Ticked tabby. The non-tabby patterns include Tortoiseshell, Bicolour, Van patterns Bicolour and white, Smoke, Tipped and colourpointed.
British shorthair



They are an easygoing and dignified breed, not as active and playful as many but sweet-natured and devoted to their owners, making them as favourite of animal trainers. They tend to be safe around other pets since they will tolerate a fair amount of physical interaction, but as a rule do not like to be picked up or carried. They require only minimal grooming and take well to being kept as indoor only cats; they can be prone to obesity unless care is taken with their diet.


The UK breed committee considers British Shorthair a long lived cat, with an anticipation of 14 to 20 years (Vet clinic data from European country shows a median lifespan of 11.8 years). (Swedish insurance data puts the median lifespan of the breed at twelve.5 years. 82% of british shorthairs lived to 10 years or additional and 54% lived to 12.5 years or more.)

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM) can be problem in the  breed. A Danish prevalence study with  ore than 329 cats showed that 20.4% of males and 2.1% of the females had HCM. On top of this 6.8% of males and 3.9% of females were judged to be equivocal. HCM testing of males used for breeding is now mandatory for breeders organized under the Danish fife member, FElis Dancia
This breed is thought to be at high risk of (Polycystic Kidney Disease). A DNA test lab has noted a significant decrease of the PKD mutations in tested population. Carrier frequency is now at 1%.

Monday, July 22, 2019



                        RAGDOLL CATS 

The Ragdoll is a cat breed with a colour point coat and blue eyes. They are large muscular semi-longhair cat with a soft and silky coat. Developed by American Breeder Ann Baker In 1960.
Best known for docile and placid temperament and affectionate nature. Ragdoll name is derived from the tendency of individuals from the original breeding stock to go limp and relaxed when picked up. Popular in both United Kingdom and the breed’s native United States, Ragdoll cats are also known as “dog-like cats” or “puppy-like cats” because due to behavior such as their tendency to follow people around.
Ragdoll cat


In 1960,a regular, non-pedigreed, white, domestic longhaired cat named Josephine produced several litters of typical cats, Josephine was a Persian type and had litters sired by several unknown male Burmese like a cat, one of which had a Siamese point colouration. Josephine later produced kittens with a docile, placid temperament, affectionate, nature, and a tendency to go limp and relaxed when picked up. When a subsequent litter produced more of the same, Ann Baker purchased several kittens from the owner who lived behind her house  and believing that she had something special, set out to create what is  known as the ragdoll.The breed was selectively bred over many year for desirable traits,such as large size, gentle  demeanor, pointed colouration and a tendency to go limp when picked up.

Out of these early litters came Blackie, an all-black Burmese like a male, and Warbucks, a seal point with white feet, Warbucks sired founding colour female Fugianna and Blackie sired Buckwheat a dark brown Burmese like a female. Both Fugianna and Buckwheat were daughters of Josephine. All ragdoll are descended from Baker’s cats through the mating of Warbucks to Fugianna and Buckwheat.
Baker spurned traditional cat breeding association. She trademarks the name” Ragdoll”, set up her own registry.

1971, enforced stringent standards on anyone who want to breed or sell cats under that name.
IRCA cats are not recognized in any major in any cat breed organization.
In 1975, a group led by a husband and wife, Denny and Laura Dayton, broke ranks with the IRCA with aim of gaining mainstream recognition for the Ragdoll. Beginning with a breeding pair of IRCA cat, this group eventually developed the Ragdoll standard currently accepted by major cat registries such as the CFA and the FIFE.

Since the spread of the Ragdoll breed in America during early 1960, a breeding pair of Ragdoll was exported to UK. This pair was followed by 8 more cats to fully establish the breed in the UK, where it is recognized by Governing Council of the Cat Fancy.

In 1994, the 2nd  group decided to leave the IRCA and form its own group owing to increasingly strict breeding restrictions. This group later established the Ragamuffin breed. Because Baker owned the rights to the name “Ragdoll” no offshoot groups were legally able to call their cat Ragdolls until 2005 when the trademark on “Ragdoll”was not renewed.

The largest international Ragdoll breed club is the Ragdoll Fancier Club International.



This Ragdoll is marketed by breeders as having a docile, calm, and floppy nature with claims that these characteristics have been passed down from the Persian and Birman breeds. Opinions vary as to whether this trait might be the result of genetic resistant.
Breed standard marketing and publicity material describe the Ragdoll as affectionate, intelligent, relaxed in temperament, gentle and an easy to handle cat. This animal is often known as puppy cats, because of their placid nature and affectionate behavior with the cats often following owners from room to room as well as seeking physical affection to certian dog breeds.

Physical Characteristics
Ragdoll cat

The Ragdoll is one of the largest domesticated cats, with a sturdy body, large frame, and proportionate legs. A fully grown female cat weight from 8 to 15 pounds (3.6 to 6.8 kg). Males are substantially larger, From 12 to 20 pounds (5.4 to 9.1 kg) or more. The genes for point colouration are responsible for the distinctive blue eyes of Ragdoll. More intense shades of blue are favored in a cat show. Although the breed has a plush coat, it consists mainly of long guard hair, while the lack of dense undercoat results according to the CFA in reduced shedding and matting.

Ragdolls come in six different color-red, seal, chocolate and the corresponding ”dilutes” including blue, lilac, and cream. This also includes the lynx and tortoiseshell variation in all colours and the three patterns. Ragdoll kittens are born white; they have good colour 8 to 10 weeks and full colour and coat at 3 to 4 years. The three different patterns are:

•Colourpont: One colour darkening at the extremities(nose, ears, tail, and paws.)

•Mitted: Same as pointed, but white paws and abdomen. With or without blaze (a white line or spot on the face), but must have “belly stripe” and a white chin.

•Bicolour: White legs, white inverted v on the face, white abdomen and sometimes white patches on the back.


Lynx – A variant of the above type having tabby markings.’
Tortoiseshell or “tortie”- A variant noted for mottled or parti coloured markings in the above patterns.


One study utilizing Swedish insurance data showed that the common cat breeds, the Ragdoll and Siamese have the lowest survival rate. They live 12 to 15 years. This study indicates the Ragdoll may have a significantly higher number of cat that die of urinary problems mainly from Kidney issues or Denmark is unclear. Ragdoll cats require regular grooming to ensure that their fur does not mat as with most long haired cat breeds some breeders recommend bathing once a month.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Is common heart disease in all cats and is most commonly genetic in cause. The disease causes thickening of heart wall, which makes the heart pump less efficiently. It can in some instance lead to sudden death. By this disease, most cats die by age of 3.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Exotic Shorthaired cat

Exotic Shorthaired cat

           Top ten cat breed within the world

1.Exotic Shorthair Cats
2. Ragdoll Cats
3. British Shorthair
4. Persian Cats
5. Maine Coon Cats
6. American Shorthair Cats
7. Scottish Fold Cats
8. Sphynx Cats
9. Abyssinian Cats
10. Devon Rex Cats

Exoti shorthaired cat
Source: Google

First, we are discussing the primary breed of cats it's an exotic shorthair cat.



The Exotic Shorthair may be a breed of cat developed to be a short-haired version of the Persian. The Exotic is like the Persian in many ways, including with temperament and conformation, a flat nose and face with the exceptions of the short dense coat.

In the late Fifties, the Persian was used as an outcross by some American Shorthair Breeders. This was done the secret to improve their body, and crosses were created with the Russian Blue and therefore the Burmese. The crossbreed looks gained recognition within the show ring, however, Exotic Shorthair breeders with success made a replacement breed that will disqualify American Shorthairs that showed signs of crossbreeding. One American Shorthair saw the potential of the Persian/American Shorthair cross planned and eventually got the Cat Fanciers” Association decide and Exotic Shorthair breeder Jane Martinke to acknowledge them as a replacement breed in 1966, beneath the name exotic shorthair. In 1987, that cat allowable outcross breed.

Because of the regular use Persian as an outcross, some exotic might carry a copy of the recessive longhair sequence. There's a one in four probability of every offspring being longhaired.

Longhaired Exotics don't seem to be thought of Persians by the Cats Fancier’ Association, though The International Cat Association accepts them as Persians. alternative associations just like the Exotic Cat Fanciers Association registers them as a separate Exotic Longhair breed.


The Exotic Shorthair meets each commonplace for the Persian breed, aside from the coat.

Head:- Oval, massive. terribly broad so. Rounded forehead. Round, full cheeks. Short, broad, spherical muzzle. Short, broad nose with a pronounced stop. robust chin. Broad, powerful jaws.

Ears:- tiny, rounded at the tip, not too open at the bottom. wide spaced and well-furnished with hair on the within.

Eyes:- massive and spherical. The pure, deep color adore that of the coat (gold to copper in most varieties; inexperienced within the chinchilla and therefore the golden; blue within the white and therefore the colorpoint).

Neck:- Short and thick.

Body:-Medium-sized, cabby, low to the bottom. Broad chest. huge shoulders. Large-boned with powerful muscles. Weight: 3.5 – half-dozen kilograms.
The Exotic Shorthair meets each commonplace for the Persian breed, aside from the coat

Head:- Oval, massive, terribly broad so, spherical forehead, Round, full cheeks, Short, Broad, spherical muzzle, Short, broad nose with a pronounced stop, robust chin, Board, powerful jaws.

Ears:- Small, rounded at the tip, not too open at the bottom. wide spaced and well provided with hair on the within.

Eyes:- Large and spherical, Pure, the deep color adores that of the coat (gold to copper in most variations; inexperienced within the chinchilla and therefore the golden: blue within the white and therefore the colorpoint).

Neck:- Short and thick

Body:- Medium sized, cabby, low to the bottom. Broad chest. Massive shoulders. Large boned with powerful muscles. Weight 3.5 to 4 kg.

Paw:-Short, straight and huge, round, large paws, tufts of hair between the toes.

Tail:- Short, thick, carried low, rounded tip.

Exotic shorthaired cats
Source: Google
Coat:- Shorthaired however slightly longer than alternative shorthaired breeds. Dense, fluffy, erect hair. All Persian colors are recognized.


They have a gentle and calm personality reminiscent of the Persian but are generally livelier than their longhaired ancestors. They are more loyal than most breeds.

Care and grooming                            

They are high maintenance Persian, Exotic can keep its own full tidy with little human assistance, though weekly brushing and grooming.

Exotic shorthaired cats’ ducts are prone to overflowing due to the nasolacrimal duct, which can dampen and stain the face. This can be relieved by wiping the cats face with a cloth moistened with water or one of the commercial preparations made expressly for the purpose.


They can have these type of diseases:

Brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome

Calcium oxalate urolithiasis


Feline polycystic kidney disease


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